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Behind the Scenes

My name is Michael Wallmann and I am a Fitchburg State student working on a client project with the Fitchburg Art Museum. I wanted to share my personal experience of the exhibition but also an inside look at the magic behind the naturetech blog.

I am a professional Communications student with a minor in business. The class I am currently in is Document Design taught by Robert Carr. Going into the class, I had no idea what I was in store for. The first day we received a brief introduction to the course and were informed that the client we would be working with throughout the course was on her way to meet with us now.

Initially that shocked me. I couldn’t believe on the first day we were jumping into the project. This made me nervous, but at the same time the high paced aspect of the course intrigued me. It felt like I was in the real world at the first day of my job.

Then entered Mary Tinti, the curator of the exhibition. As she entered I could tell she had a colorful personality by the abstract rainbow of colors on her shirt. She began explaining her vision for the exhibit and we all began to develop a connection with it. She then began showing us images of the exhibition and all the creative, behind the scene elements that made this artwork so special. She showcased how all three artists beautifully complemented each other and flowed together through the exhibit.

The images beautifully projected onto the screen and left us all in awe. My favorite part about the images she showed were all the colors in the exhibit, but it was only when I saw the artwork in person that I really connected with the exhibit.

The class then divided into 3 groups, the catalog group, the video group, and the blog group. The catalog group would create the naturetech catalog. The video group was to make a media of sorts that showcased the museum and the exhibit. Lastly, the blog group was to design a website for the exhibition so that visitors could learn more about the exhibit and the artists. I excitedly joined the blog team because I felt I would be of most help there.

We then began the process of designing the website. We all created individual ideas of what the blog would look like. Next we conferenced with the whole class and together we refined the website weekly. While doing so we created multiple blog posts from press relation of the exhibit to our own experiences with the artwork.

We are now excited to be in the home stretch of the project as the end of the semester is quickly approaching. Until then we will be working ardently to create content to further our viewers knowledge and hopefully teach them something new about the exhibit they would have never thought of.

I’m so happy to be a part of a project that encourages the arts. Right before leaving for college my high school had to cut some of the artistic programs from the school due to budget cuts. It was disappointing to see something that was such a positive experience for me being taken away from the new generation of students.

I am proud to be a part of an initiative in which we are encouraging the importance of the arts and showing the significance of creativity and keeping the arts alive. By keeping the arts in school we can all continue to have special connections with the human creative process and each other.

I think it’s such a beautiful thing that we can all have the ability to be creative and I think that generations to come should be able to experience and dabble in the arts so they too can feel that connection we have as human beings.

By doing this project we are enforcing the idea that art is important and should be recognized by everyone.




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