International Women's Day
Three female artists, one female curator, one exhibit with huge implications for women in the Central MA area and around the world.
Historically, men have been at the forefront of advances in science, technology, art, industry, and politics, while societal restraints have kept women in a secondary role. However, through the efforts of enterprising women throughout history, women have been pushing towards a world focused on gender equality and harmony. International Women's Day, founded in the early 1900's by women striving towards equal rights in the work place, is a day that currently celebrates the extraordinary achievements of women in all of their pursuits and the struggle for this equal recognition in the eyes of the world.
More recently, it has been noted that there is a distinct lack of female presence in the worlds of science and technology, as women are generally pushed at a younger age to focus on the arts and humanities. Educational and societal norms are being tested right now by encouraging young girls with a passion for science and technology to actually follow through on those pursuits. Indeed this push towards the sciences has allowed young girls and women to broaden thier views of what they are capable of and study several different fields.
With the help of naturetech, a celebration of art and technology has arisen that is wonderful and noteworthy in its own right and yet is so much more in that it is a exhibit that brings together women with a passion for the blending of what used to be considered two separate worlds, art and technology.
On the opening day of naturetech on Sunday March 8th, unknowingly a wonderful coincidence occured. Mary Tinti, the amazing curator of naturetech, noted that the opening of this long awaited exhibit coincided with International Women's Day, and in that moment all the hardwork up until that point seemed even more poiniant. In some ways the grand opening of naturetech also became a celebration of the efforts these women have made in creating a world where young girls are encouraged to pursue whatever passion they wish and to instill in them, the idea that they too can be successfull, artistic, and intelligent. On behalf of ladies everywhere I'd like to thank Mary, Crisiti, Michelle, and Nathalie for sharing their passion for art and technology.