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Pip and Poppin Art!

Entranced by the color and geometrical shapes found throughout naturetech? Well why wouldn't you be? There is something wonderfully satisfying about the conversly symmetrical and asymmetrical nature of the works. The eb and flow, and the push and pull of contrary forces within the work really push the purpose of "naturetech" as a theme forward. It can be seen in Rinklin's billowy virtual realities that seem both dream like, and hyper real all at once. In Samour's work it's in the contrast between prim and proper presentation and wonderfully chaotic colors of the piece. Miebach's works offer numerous facts and knowledge in a highly whimiscal way.

If you’re interested in more art like this check Australian Artist Tanya Schultz or “Pip and Pop”. Tanya creates wonderfully sugary and neon bright 3D dream landscapes that are reminiscent in several ways of components found in naturetech! The geometric shapes in a wonderful dream like landscape evoke a happy, bubbly feeling in the viewer, much like naturetech. Her work is featured below and more can be seen by clicking on the picture. If you need a pick me up, think visually and artistically with Pip and Pop! As my fellow blogger Tina said "Wow, I feel happy just looking at that!"




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