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Naturetech is in the Newspaper!

Thankfully, I had the opportunity to come to see naturetech and so did a correspondent from the Sentinel & Enterprise. And the funny thing is that the corresponder is my friend, Michael Cromwell, who is also a Fitchburg State Alumni.

Here is a little snippet of what Michael had to say about the exhibition.

An opening reception for a new exhibit called "Naturetech" was held at the Fitchburg Art Museum on Sunday.

"Naturetech" is meant to convey the duality between the natural world and the technology-driven modern world. At times, the art featured in the exhibit shows how these two worlds work together, and at others how they diverge from one another.

The exhibit features three Massachusetts based artists, Nathalie Miebach, Cristi Rinklin and Michelle Samour. Miebach is a sculptor, Rinklin a painter and Samour uses mixed media.

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