Weather Scores

Weather data, and musical scores. At a glance, these may just seem like random, unrelated words that have nothing at all to do with each other. However, if you look into some of Nathalie Miebach’s sculptures, you will see that not only can they be connected, but, when combined together, they can create beautiful art. One of naturetech’s featured artists, Nathalie Miebach developed the immensely unique process of creating her works of art by taking weather data that she gathers on her own from cities in New England, and translates that data into musical scores. The pieces suffice as not only melodious, functional music that can be utilized by musicians, but also as devices that are able to map meteorological conditions of a specific space and time. Coined by Miebach as, “Weather Scores”, these immensely unique pieces of music are comprised entirely from weather data and involve the collaboration of Nathalie and emerging composers/musicians. These musical scores are adapted by composers for piano performance and can also be translated into woven sculptural, data translations that also function as 3D musical scores.
Want to listen to some of these unique musical masterpieces? Click below!
Nathalie is looking for adventurous composers to join in her collaborative project!
Click below for more information!