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Art + Technology= ?

Think of the word technology. What comes to your mind? A majority of you will probably think about a cellphone, TV or laptop. Now, think of the word art- and you’ll probably think about paint, canvas or maybe a famous artist like Warhol, O’Keefe or Picasso. These two areas that seem to be completely different from each other, surprisingly are more intertwined than ever. Technology has completely changed the art industry; it has provided artists new ways to express themselves.

Many artists are pushing the limits of art, going beyond the “traditional” by integrating other fields of study into their work, to create fascinating projects such as the artists of naturetech. If you like the the hybrid works found at naturetech here are two examples of works that bridge this gap between art and technology:

"The Treacher of Sanctuary is composed of three white monolithic screens sitting above a black reflective pool, visitors are invited to the pool's edge, where their shadows appear on the first screen before dissolving into a flock of fluttering birds. On the second panel, the birds appear again, this time pecking away at and consuming the spectator's spectre. In their shadows on the third screen, the participant is bestowed with wings."

"Rising Colorspace is a site-specific installation for “Metropol Park“ at Köllnischer Park 6-7 in Berlin. It is the third systemic robot installation of our colorspace series.

A robot draws his rising movements as bowlike lines onto a shiny metallic wall. All turns and falling movements are left out. Thereof derives a wickerwork of lines in rich botanic coloration. This condenses to a colorspace. Each line grows like a bending culm and modulates the colorspace after a daily color-protocol. Rising Colorspace is an evolving system continuously overwriting itself."



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